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We support online Paypal payment method. Paying through Paypal has the following advantages:

1. Buyers can choose multiple payment methods

2. It also supports credit card payment

3. Improve your online shopping efficiency

4. Low handling fees, saving your online shopping expenses

5. The activities of merchants and the interests of your buyers can be well supervised and protected.

Q and A, PayPal business account linked to Wix

Q: Is the merchant a business or a personal account?

A: This store is verified by PayPal business account.

Q: What is the difference between a business account and a personal account?

A: The Wix platform requires that the fund account that accepts payment must be a PayPal business account. Otherwise, even if a personal account is linked, if it is not upgraded within 30 days, the funds will be returned to the customer account.

Q: Which platform is my payment escrowed to?

A: The buyer's payment funds will be escrowed to the Wix platform and then escrowed by PayPal. If the buyer does not receive any goods within the time specified by the seller, he can apply for a refund from PayPal.

Q: What should I do if I do not receive the goods but the merchant does not refund?

A: PayPal will handle any refund request from you. If the merchant does not comply with the purchase and sale agreement, PayPal will not favor the merchant's interests. The interests of the buyer are the priority.

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